Wrapping up 2022

As we look back on 2022, it's tempting to slap together a half assed list of best albums, non-shitty tv shows, or some other clap trap.

You'll find none of that here. (Unless Tyler posts some lazy ass shit like normal.) Until next year, when I post that lazy crap that I was actually too lazy to churn out this year.

Instead, I'm already head down in goal setting. Yearly review. Self flagellation for missing targets set in 2022. Minimizing my accomplishments as meaningless next to what other people have been able to do. You know, standard new years stuff.

But what I did do last night was drop the needle onto the superb "Fordlandia" by Johann Joahnnsson. My copy is a double disc set, done by the Prague Philharmonic. It's the sort of contemplative work that not only allows the stress of the holidays to melt away, but the brass is also perfectly recorded. When an instrument sounds right, it's a real treat for me, and the snozzberries really taste like snozzberries on this one.

So, here's wishing you a fantastic new years day. I'll be spending mine blasting The Mountain Goats "This Year" and trying to convince the wife that setting fire to the Christmas tree is more fun that cutting it up and putting it in a yard waste bin. And also watching the Dakar Rally.


Dakar 2023 - Day 1.


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