Let me introduce you to Bevin Mehrbach… ZMF Co-Founder extraordinaire! And all around awesome lady!

If you read the Zach post you know that how I first interacted with ZMF was via email… and technically the first person I chatted with was Zachs “brother” or so I thought they were Zachs brother… this is embarrassing… as it went on for a couple of emails before Bevin corrected me insert face palm the other sad part… my friend had even stated Bevin was Zachs wife before I even emailed them. I then had to apologize profusely, to one of the kindest and patient people I’ve met in the audio space. Below will be some snippets from my email chain chatting with Bevin correcting me after probably 10-15 emails where I assumed incorrectly who Bevin was lol FML…But, it highlights just how awesome Bevin is!

“Hey Tyler!

Thanks so much for the high praise! Hope you guys had a good meet. Zach threw a meet in Portland a few years ago and I have been an advocate of getting back to the PNW for another! I am his wife by the way, but I know Bevin is a very gender ambiguous name, so I get it all the time.”…

and my response…

I was told you were his wife at the meet by
Ian , I don't know why I had it in my head that you were his brother (I feel very stupid and sorry for this mistake, I'll probably be apologizing throughout this email for it)... extremely embarrassed and sorry for my blunder.

The headphones were a hit at both my work and at the mini meet. I am still thoroughly enjoying them! Seriously works of art that sound amazing! Extremely hyped for the Verite now! I went ahead and added the awesome ZMF sticker to my current Bujo! Thank you for that!
Ian even asked for first dibs if I were ever to sell them lol.

My current favorite pads are the velour universe pads, another thank you is due for those as well.

ZMF definitely have a new fan of you guys and Gals 😉, and I intend to spread the word and share my headphones.

I will tell my wife this story and I'm sure she will scold me for my faux pas and being oblivious, which is not my norm... I usually do my homework... I think I got too excited and ahead of myself in regards to getting the Aeoulus.”…

Bevins response

“Hey Tyler!

Sorry for the delay in response. NO need to apologize-- I just look forward to meeting you and thought I would throw it out there so that when I say hi in SoCal you're not like " what? All this time I thought you were a dude!?!"
I love your daughter's name, btw! She will grow up being a total rockstar with a name like that, there's no two ways about it!”…

Needles to say, I’ve been true to my word… and I’ve been a fan of ZMF ever since! I’ve had the great fortune to meet up with Bevin at CanJam SoCal twice now, and at ZMFestivus II where I also was introduced to many other wonderful people, and Bevin and Zach made me feel right at home instantly! Super welcoming with the typical excitement that Bevin brings everytime I’ve seen her at shows or just chatted with her and Zach on livestreams. Bevin is truly a “must” person to meet if you ever go to a CanJam and ZMF is there! Same with Zach, but this is about Bevin lol!

One of my other favorite things about Bevin, is my shared love of all things stickers and knick knack/accessories lol… and hip hop! Especially underground hip hop or 90’s hip hop lol. For instance at this last CanJam where I took her photo for this post… she had set up a ZMF table full of random stickers and must have ZMF knick knacks/accessories… I can confirm I might have snagged a few stickers, a dope ZMF wood luggage tag, and ZMF bandana!! One of my regrets was not getting more candid photos of Bevin, Zach and team ZMF in their element chatting with people and just having a great time in their ZMF show room, it warms the heart seeing people get to experience not only their beautiful headphones and amps, but also to see people light up when talking to them in person!

Anyhow, I could go on for a long time about these fantastic people,

but lets give the rest of the post over to Bevin.

I hope you enjoy getting to know her as much as I have!

Cheers! and thanks again Bevin for putting up with me!

Q: What album/songs do you use to evaluate your headphones?
A: Test Tracks:

     Flight Facilities- Clair De Lune Clair De Lune by Flight Facilities, Christine Hoberg (songwhip.com)
     James Taylor- Fire & Rain Fire and Rain by James Taylor (songwhip.com)
     You should see me in a crown- Billie Eilish you should see me in a crown by Billie Eilish (songwhip.com)
     Retrograde- James Blake Retrograde by James Blake (songwhip.com)
     Farewell- Tan Dun, YoYo Ma Farewell by Tan Dun, YO YO MA, Chen Xie Yang, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai National Orchestra, David Cossin (songwhip.com)
     No Prayers- Zeds Dead & Omar LinX No Prayers by Zeds dead, Omar LinX (songwhip.com)

Q: What album/songs would you include with your headphones if you could?

A: Include with ZMF Headphone Tracks:
     In service of music being medicinal, the below are my favorite get happy songs that I would

     Sunny- Stevie Wonder Sunny by Stevie Wonder (songwhip.com)
     Lovely Day- Bill Withers Lovely Day by Bill Withers (songwhip.com)
     Tell Me Something Good- Chaka Khan and Rufus Tell Me Something Good by Rufus, Chaka Khan (songwhip.com)
     I Say a Little Prayer- Aretha Franklin I Say a Little Prayer by Aretha Franklin (songwhip.com)
     The Dock of the Bay – Otis Redding (Sittin' On) the Dock of the Bay by Otis Redding (songwhip.com)
     I Can See Clearly Now- Johnny Nash I Can See Clearly Now by Johnny Nash (songwhip.com)

Q: Current favorite song/album?

A: Current Favorite song/Album/Artist---
     I am never really up on things that are super current anymore, despite trying to befriend cool Gen Z’ers, I am admittedly behind.  But Zach introduced me to Lizzy McAlpine somewhat recently and I have been enjoying her voice and writing. All My Ghosts really hit that super nostalgic chord for me. all my ghosts by Lizzy McAlpine (songwhip.com)


Q: What is the most exciting accessories that ZMF has made/is coming out with? ( I love the knick-knack accessories ZMF has at their booths, it appeals to my wierdo collector side ha)

A: Accessories!
     My favorite Accessories of ours are the wearable ones! I really liked the Summer of Burl Bandana- that was kind of fun. Right now I am working on a headphone case that is a ‘throw in your backpack’ type deal. This is of course in contrast to our Seahorse case that could knock someone out. Stickers are always one of my favorite SWAG items. I hope one day to see one that has been placed (in a non-vandalization way) in the wild.


Q: What other hobbies do you have/what do you do to relax outside of audio?

A: Hobbies:
     The other hobbies I have are tending to my shrimp tanks (pets not food) and playing with my dog, taking dance classes (Modern, Ballet, Hip Hop) doing Yoga or non-cardio-based workouts. I like to draw cartoons in pen and ink. Zach and I like to go to live events a lot: Concerts and comedy shows, and we both really like Chicago Fire, our hometown pro soccer team!


Q: If you could hang out with any 3 people both from the present and the past, who would they be?

A: 3 People:
     Three people to hang with… Chuck Klosterman is- a really funny and insightful pop culture author, Joni Mitchell—legend; duh, and Can I pick Martha Stuart/Snoop Dog as one hang? Because I would need for both of them to be there at the same time, separately it wouldn’t fulfill the scene I am trying to create.


Q: How hard is it to pull Zach away from making headphones and to relax?

A: Getting Zach to Relax:
     Zach does not relax or stop. This is a trick question. Zach really likes riding bikes and I can often lure him away from a Saturday at the workshop by proposing a bike ride. Or if I buy tickets to something. I just got us tickets to see The Wood Brothers and he woke up to a confirmation email; so sometimes I remove the element of choice. That is a helpful tactic as well.

Q: If you could go anywhere in the world for a week, where would you go?

A: Where would I go in the World-
     I would really like to go to Japan. I appreciate the arts, culture, and food.  Would love to have a visit.


Q: Who is the most famous person to have purchased/owned a ZMF that you know of?

A: Famous Owners:
     You Oughta Know, that the most famous ZMF owner (to my knowledge) is none other than Alanis Morissette and her husband Souleye! The ZMF group chat blew up the night she posted her set to her Instagram. We were all so honored and happy.


Q: Quick bio about yourself?


Bevin Mehrbach was born and raised in Connecticut! Her parents are both musicians and childhood was a lot of hanging out during sound checks and sitting through the same "hows everybody doing tonight" stories night after night.
Despite getting carted around to different gigs, Bevin really enjoyed the music, the settings, and the people she was exposed to. Her parents reverence for the artifacts of music: records, antique banjos, thick and beautiful guitar picks, velvet lined instrument cases, etc. grew a passion in her for music that was both sonic and tangible and a life of things that felt thoughtful and made with care. When Bevin met Zach in College, the instant connection was music. One of the first mix CDs Zach ever made for Bevin, had Pure Prairie Leagues, "Amie," on it. This was not a song most College kids were into at the time, but was such a beloved and familiar song to her from childhood that she was surprised and swooned! A big believer in signs; this felt pretty special. Bevin’s journey with Zach started there and has obviously manifested into ZMF Headphones and a busy life together with their beloved dog Evie.


Zach Mehrbach International man of mystery... and founder of ZMF Headphones