I would like to introduce you to

Christian “CEE TEE” Tanimoto III

I had the great pleasure of meeting Christian “CEE TEE” at a local audiophile meetup in San Jose, CA, and instantly felt I found a kindred spirit in him and his passion for community and audio.

We later met up again at CanJam Socal 2023 where I grabbed this photo of him and we had many conversations about audio gear, music, cars, motorcycles, and so much more.

I would like to share with you some questions and light background on him and what he is creating and bringing back/to market in the Hi-Fi space with his company Nitsch Sound with the questions and link to his website below

What album do you test your amps with?
I use a multitude of tracks poking around checking for different things but a “Fast three” = specific tracks from:

Random Access Memories by Daft Punk (songwhip.com) for Bass Quantity/Extension/Tone/Control/Dynamics/Speed Step Inside This House by Lyle Lovett (songwhip.com) for Mids/Sibilance
On an Island by David Gilmour (songwhip.com) for Treble/Air/Transients

What album would you include with your amps if you could?
Sea Change by Beck (songwhip.com)(MFSL version)

Mutations by Beck (songwhip.com)

What drove you to create NITSCH?
Had too much fun creating a dream custom product line when I was at Massdrop.
I still have more dreams…I’m on a mission to save and make great-sounding stuff.  :)

“Quick” bio or paragraph about you?
Since I found my tribe in the audio community over a decade ago, I have been happiest enjoying, participating, and contributing back with lots of interesting and smart people.

Our hobby is a mixture of music, sonics, visuals, electronics, science/art/psychology, characters/inventors…we’re really lucky to live in a new golden age of unlimited content and playback innovation.

Is there another hobby/industry where the community has been able to participate and have as much influence?  I’ve had 3 other careers (each lasting 9 years) but this is the one for me.  I was lucky enough to be able to move over and work/play in audio. This is where my passion lives.

Visit Christian“CEE TEE”s website here:


ETA headphones procurement officer Tom