I’d like to introduce you to Ryan “Skeeb23” Sciba Youtube creator

I met Ryan years ago when he sent me a message after I did a YouTube stream/video. He was asking questions regarding starting a channel. I responded as best I could, with advice from my experience starting a channel. Fast forward a couple of years, and we started communicating again on Discord and eventually met in person at CanJam SoCal 2023.

Where we ran around talking to as many people as possible. I don’t think Ryan wasn’t ready for my ADHD extrovert-at-a-show persona. I use CanJams and general meets/shows like this to catch up with old friends and meet new ones. Anyhow, I’ve enjoyed my time hanging out and getting to know Ryan. I wish him all the success with his YouTube channel! Keep grinding and having fun creating Ryan!

Link to Ryan’s channel and a Q&A to get to know him a little better:

What album/songs do you use to evaluate gear you get in for your impressions?

I like to use a sample from most genres of music to get a full idea of sound. However, I do have a general listing of things that I am constantly adding to. I don’t subscribe to the belief that you must only listen to "natural instruments" to get a good sound example for gear. Digitized music can be just as engaging of a listen as any. To each their own - truly!

The most frequently used tracks currently are:

Creeper - Donny McCaslin (great for low-end and all-over midrange timbre response): Creeper by Donny McCaslin (songwhip.com)

Most James Blake tracks for Bass response: James Blake by James Blake (songwhip.com)

Blues Deluxe - Joe Bonamassa (selfishly love this track but it also shows up brightness/harshness in gear): Blues Deluxe by Joe Bonamassa (songwhip.com)

Wildwood Flower - JD Allen (excellent for midrange resolution): Wildwood Flower by JD Allen (songwhip.com)

Make Us Stronger - Ghost Rider (enjoyable, fast-paced, pounding, Electronic track...gets mah juices flowing lol): Make Us Stronger by Ghost Rider (songwhip.com)

Wandering - Yosi Horikawa (stage/space and imaging): Wandering by Yosi Horikawa (songwhip.com)

Mr. Blue Sky - Electric Light Orchestra (instrument separation, dynamic range): Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra (songwhip.com)

Chameleon - Trentmoller (excellent for sub-bass extension test): Chameleon by Trentemøller, Trentemoller, Krede & Buda (songwhip.com)

Autumn Leaves - Eva Cassidy (tear-jerking vocals if on the right gear for me): Autumn Leaves by Eva Cassidy (songwhip.com)

Kashmir - Marcin (another track that has it all going on): Kashmir by Marcin (songwhip.com)

Rage Against the Machine, TOOL, Chris Cornell music, Pearl Jam - typically for alt-rock.: Rage Against The Machine by Rage Against The Machine (songwhip.com) / Ænima by TOOL (songwhip.com) / Chris Cornell by Chris Cornell, Soundgarden, Temple Of The Dog (songwhip.com) / https://songwhip.com/pearl-jam/vs

Metallica, In This Moment, Avatar - typically my go-to for harder rock/metal. : Metallica (Remastered) by Metallica (songwhip.com) / Hail The Apocalypse by Avatar, Hail The Apocalypse (songwhip.com)

Did you know that there is  a tunnel under Ocean Blvd (the entire album) Lana Del Rey (one of my personal favorite vocalists): Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd by Lana Del Rey (songwhip.com)

Any Kendrick Lamar, Eminem, Nas, or some older Jay-Z for hip/hop. I loved the use of natural instruments in their music and the lyrics have always been important to me. I want to hear them and not just hear bass pulsating through.: DAMN. by Kendrick Lamar (songwhip.com) / The Eminem Show by Eminem (songwhip.com) / Illmatic by Nas, Illmatic (songwhip.com) / The Blueprint by JAY-Z, The Blueprint (songwhip.com)

What album/songs do you think everyone should listen to at least once in their life as an audiophile/music lover?

To be truly honest here - I have nothing. There are tracks that I thoroughly enjoy listening to and always will (hence my track list above of things I enjoy to sample). However, I personally believe music to be so individually based that whatever track you connect with, or album you connect with...that should be what you listen to on gear you test or enjoy the most. We all have our own individual tastes and should find that. It’s okay to recommend tracks (because I do that often) but that doesn’t mean I would expect someone to always listen to those or agree with my recommendation. Be your own musical self! Seriously, hop on Tidal (or a service of your choice) and just throw it on a random shuffle... You’d be amazed at what you might find you like! (that is how I found Flight of the Cosmic Hippo by Bela Fleck, the Fleckstones....otherwise I never would have thought to listen to any of their music): Flight of the Cosmic Hippo by Béla Fleck and the Flecktones (songwhip.com)

What is your current most listened-to track/album?

Blackest Day - Joanne Shaw Taylor (I listened to this track on every piece of gear I sampled at CanJam. It shows off so much of the frequency response of sound. It has it all in this track): Blackest Day by Joanne Shaw Taylor (songwhip.com)

Current favorite audio chain?

WOO Tube Mini and my Atrium Closed. It’s my current drug addiction.

Besides audio what are some of your other hobbies?

I have always been a gamer. Mostly PC gaming but I used to enjoy console gaming too. I have a passion to build. I’ve built every PC I’ve ever owned and will be doing that again soon. PC gaming actually is what got me further into audio as I wanted that chain to be as good as the cpu/gpu power of my graphics for my sound. I also love being a creator of things. I enjoy the process of content creation almost more than listening to the gear at times.

What got you into doing audio impressions?

I was a long-time Youtube stalker of either Audio or PC/tech things. I had several reviewers that I would watch. To me it was always an interest thinking that I could do what they do but in my own way. I’ve always been interested in giving back to the hobby in my own way and being an influencer in a positive way. I’ve never enjoyed the negative energy some reviewers can bring and hope to not fall into that trap and show you can be positive/complimentary while also remaining honest.

Quick bio write-up about yourself?

I’ve lived a very safe and uneventful life, to be honest up to this point. Same job for the last 26 years of my life (over half of my life at that). I find so many other people fascinating that I have come to know only to confirm that I’m, just not that guy as of yet. I don’t feel my good years really started till my mid-30s when I met my truly excellent wife. In my late 30s, I had my son, then later my daughter. My perspective on life has completely changed. Now my focus is to find something I can contribute in this life to others. Also, to become a good example to my children to chase their dreams and not wait around for them to come to you. I’ve learned to find joy in more simple things and that also opened up my passion for music even more. I’m not good at these bio things, haha, so I’ll just say that I’m extremely happy with how my life is turning out and even more excited for my future. I’m about to be 45 and feel like I’ve only scratched the surface of a new exciting chapter!



Zach Mehrbach International man of mystery... and founder of ZMF Headphones


Justin Weber Owner of ampsandsound