Justin Weber


Let me introduce you to


… where to begin… I’ve known Justin for a long time now. He has always been one of those people who will always make time for you, even with his busy work schedule, side business, family, etc… I don’t know how he finds the time to do all that he does. Justin is the guy who will happily chat with you about all things DIY especially Speakers for hours! The man loves him some big horns and woofers! which no shock here, pairs amazingly with the amps and preamps that he builds.

I can’t count the number of times that I’ve called him and he is working on a new set of speakers or iterating on a new amp idea, or gotten random pics of the latest speaker project he is working on. I, in fact, purchased a set of his Cornscalas a couple of years ago and love them, the attention to detail and precision in how he puts everything together is next-level polish… even down to the paint quality… he scrutinizes everything until it is exactly like he wants… it is part of the reason I bought them from him… they were his personal set… so I knew they were gonna be perfect lol.

Anyhow… let me get to the quick Q&A with Justin and please visit his website to learn more about what he creates below!

Q: What album/songs do you test your amp with?


Sunrise by Norah Jones: Sunrise by Norah Jones (songwhip.com)

Iron soundtrack – Overture

John Mayer – Slow Dancing in a Burning Room: Slow Dancing in a Burning Room by John Mayer, johnmayer (songwhip.com)

Leonard Cohen – In My Secret Life: In My Secret Life by Leonard Cohen (songwhip.com)

Natalie Merchant – Peppery Man: The Peppery Man by Natalie Merchant (songwhip.com)

Q: What album/songs would you include with your amps if you could?


Paul Simon – Graceland (love this album too! Has a lot of memories for me): Graceland by Paul Simon (songwhip.com)

Jimmy Cliff – the KCRW sessions: The KCRW Session by Jimmy Cliff (songwhip.com)

Q: What drove you to create ampsandsound?

A: I couldn’t afford the gear I wanted. I wanted more timeless equipment, less prone to modern voicing or fads. Old Circuits but new materials sci (better quality parts). Generally simpler/ but more dependent on equation or parts selection.

Q: Quick bio about you?

A: Justin Weber is a clinical social worker by day and head of ampsandsound most waking hours. He is a true believer in analog sound be it horn loaded speakers, or transformer based tube amps. ampsandosund originally started out building single ended amps for high efficiency speakers before transitioning to personal audio focus. Justin continues to participate on forums for headphones and speakers building. 2023/2024 marks the return of ampsandsound manufacturing speakers as a way of showcasing the opportunity of low power amplification.

Q: Get down with/marry/kill of your choice of alcohol/beverage/cocktail…? lol

A: Get down with: Dr. Pepper and Makers /marry Johnny Walker with Mexican Coca-Cola … and kill beer… so if you see Justin our an about buy him a JW an coke! ha!

Thank you for reading and please visit Justins ampsandsound website below!


Ryan "Skeeb23" Sciba YouTube creator


Tommy Tak Co-founder and product engineer at ETA headphones