I need to write more…

I need to write more.

Letting this site sit idle has been a dark cloud over me all summer...

Damn it man! I’m a photographer not a writer!!!

View from the Coho ferry on the way to Victoria B.C. looking back at Dungeness WA USA

trying to figure out what to say, worried about putting down on paper my thoughts, etc. stressing about poor writing skills, lacking in finding the right words, pace, and storytelling capabilities. Creating a self-fulfilling prophecy in that the less I write, the less experience I get to become better.

So this is me... writing more... trying to get better. Wracking my brain on what to write about...what... to... write... about...

Well, I guess the best stuff to write about is everything I'm scared to write about ... to things I have passion about. Plus anything and everything in between...

This is me... writing more... about everything and nothing... all at once. Welcome to my journey, hopefully, it is a long one worthy of reading about. Expect photos... expect stupidity, maybe some jokes, entertaining stories, and rambling...

I don't intend for this to be anything other than a place to push out thoughts, ideas, experiences... a good time... maybe... a bad time... probably as the self-deprecation is strong ha! I don't think I'm always right and try my best to be open to new ideas or perspectives, life would be pretty boring if I didn't.


This is the start... of what I hope is a long relationship of learning and growth. Sharing ideas, meeting new people, sharing experiences, and hopefully a healthy happy place to take a break from the day-to-day and reflect on this short journey called life.

Cheers, and thank you for reading!


P.S. I'll try and add pretty pictures so at least you have something to look at while reading my drivel lol


I don’t like being cold…


ETA Mini Semi-Closed