I don’t like being cold…

So, as winter fast approaches, we are hitting 40-degree temps here in the PNW (Pacific Northwest). I am acutely aware of the coming cold damp darkness that is the PNW winter and all the depression and inherent introvert-inducing moods it brings.

Mt.Si during a cold overcast and damp day …

I struggle with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and it seems to hit harder some years more than others. This year… I’m going to do my best to battle it and not go into hibernation grumpy grizzly mode like I usually do… but, oh man is it hard not to delve deep into the angry old man mood that the cold brings with it!

Cold… ultimately this is my biggest bane… I get cold, and then I get sluggish and grumpy and don’t want to do anything. It is a real struggle bus to motivate to do anything. The funny thing about it though, is if I just move and get going it isn’t as big of a problem.

I just need to work out in the cold and get to a point where the blood is moving and then I feel exponentially better… the problem is my blood at the beginning is like molasses on a winter morning and my bones and joints feel as brittle as fresh ice on a pond… everything hurts in the cold.

cold and brittle … fall leaves frozen in time between fall and winter

So, what is the plan… how do I battle this affliction of cold and SAD lol… to start, I’m going to try to be as aware of it as possible and force myself to push through the ho-hums and doldrums, the cold fatigue, and the darkness. With self-awareness, I hope to battle most of it, but that is not enough.

I will need motivation and people kicking me in the rear when I get pissy… in comes the aid of my wife, daughter, family, and friends. I hope all of them together telling me to stop being a grouch and go do something will keep me in the sweet spot all winter. That and lots of layers of clothing.


Here's to the cold dark, let it be short, and let us find all the joy we can in it!

the struggle bus is real with this one…

Struggle bus in the snow is real… gif/video not mine Source link: A Walk Around Seattle in the Snow on Vimeo


If you know anyone struggling with SAD, or depression or who just looks like they need a pick me up … say hi, ask how they are doing, give them a smile… no need to press them on it. Just being there and letting them know you see them and giving them a hey and a smile is usually enough to make it a little bit better.  Check-in on your friends and family! This is surprisingly hard to do, we get so caught up in our own lives and stories that we sometimes forget to see how our community of folks around us is doing. This can lead to other issues though… but that is a write-up for another time…

Praise the sun and force a smile until it becomes a reality ha! life is too short to wallow in our own heads too long

Daughter praising the sunset (Hawaii my happy place)


Cheers… Tyler Oak


A haiku


I need to write more…