Mistakes were made, lessons might have been learned... confessions of an addict

I have to admit something, I have been taking a break from coffee... *gasp* I know... like, why?!?! Well, because it is a challenge and it is good to try hard things! Plus, I'm trying to optimize my health. Drink more water and tea... that sort of thing. So the setup: I removed all coffee from the house (or so I thought, more on that later) and committed to tea as a means of a less harsh delivery of caffeine to the system. I still drink a random cup of joe from Starbucks or other specialty coffee shops when out and about, but we are talking like maybe 2-3 times a week at most and even then... I'll usually order a tea latte or chai latte ha!

mmmm…. good coffee… not like the swill I’m about to imbibe…

Ok... that is out of the way, I woke up today in dire need of a cup of coffee, like proper craving! talking zombie needing brains type deal here. I found a random pack of Trader Joe’s Nespresso pods digging through old coffee storage, and dug the crappy Nespresso machine out as well… only to find I’d forgotten to clean it, classic… and... low and behold... an old, used, Nespresso pod sealed inside after use, months ago*facepalm*... "why Tyler, WHY!!" My stupid ADHD brain foiling me again!!

So commences the cleaning, and by cleaning, I run the Nespresso machine for the past hour until the water coming out of it is relatively “clean”…

That’s clean right!?!!…. RIGHT!! Yeah… that should be fine…

now imbibing questionable coffee ...and ...it...is... not... good, yet! AMAZING! all at once…


...I’m probably gonna have food poisoning or something now…

worth it in my moment of now triumph! but, …at the cost of my later! and, doing questionable things to the porcelain, all for the sake of that sweet... sweet coffee imbibe.

Addictions are bad m'kay! it's good to try and break them often and push yourself and do the hard thing... Ok, off to take a ride on that cold demeaning porcelain pony... mistakes were made, and lessons were hopefully learned... but let's be real...I'm a big dumb animal and more mistakes are to come... Bottoms up!

Rest in peace you big dumb animal…


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