Tin HiFi C3 IEM

TinHiFi C3 In Ear Monitor

First off, thank you HiFiGO for sending these out for the demo! They are not asking for anything other than my honest opinion regarding these.

Well, let’s dive into it!

My thoughts…

The build is very solid, and the cable is great! One of the better cables for a budget IEM. These come in at around $49-59 dollars (US) and honestly, for that price, these are a great deal for the build and quality, in my experience during my time with them.

Sound-wise they are very capable IEMs. The Highs are detailed and not overly crisp to my ears, though they can flirt with that line a little bit.

Mids are good, but I keep searching for them, as in I’m trying to describe the sound of them and all I can come up with is “good” ha… not bad, not great… just good. Nothing wrong with good!

The vocals sound good but can seem slightly muffled. Almost like the mic was just slightly too far away from the singer. It isn’t bad and sounds good, I wouldn’t have overly noticed it but it was kind of like that word you can’t remember but are actively trying to lol and I had to figure it out before I wrote this ha!

Lows hold their own as well… punchy and can bump on the right tracks. I’d say they can be a bit boom heavy, but not overly so. They are above average in my experience. I’m more of a bass head so I enjoyed the presentation.

Overall Lovely budget IEM that looks good, sounds good, and has a really good build quality in both the shell and cable. Easy recommendation if on the lookout for a solid do-all IEM on a budget!

2009- Trevor Hall cover of Mac Millers “2009”

Bass is solid and highs are crisp, mids are good… but are kind of just OK ha. The vocals are forward and sound good but, have a tad bit of grit, though I think that might be the recording.

Genius of Love – Tom Tom Club

This fun track brings back memories ha! The overall presentation is a bit pulled back… though vocals do seem more forward. A highlight is the hook music and its spatial cues. The C3 presented the track well.

Tadow – Masego

Fantastic sounding on the C3! Though the Bass can get a bit much and overwhelming and bloaty boomy. The other instruments and his vocals cut through nicely though. It’s a vibe

G.O.A.T. – Polyphia

C3 was struggling a bit with this track… but, still performed admirably. It generally kept up with the speed, but I think it got overwhelmed at times. Mids got muddy and kind of fell apart at specific parts of the track.


ETA Mini Semi-Closed


Mistakes were made, lessons might have been learned... confessions of an addict