New Year’s Resolutions…MEH!

This might not be as eloquent or put together as Mfadios blogs... or quite frankly as interesting… but, here we go...

It's a new year, and resolutions are a thing. I have all the typical ones, lose weight, get back in shape, be more proactive, etc... pretty vanilla but necessary goals as we get older, especially after a fulfilling holiday season of delicious food and winter S.A.D. are hitting.

There is one thought that I want to push on and make my BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) thanks Mfadio for this referance ha. I want to start taking this media creation more seriously, as in the website, blogs, videos, podcasts, etc and creating more. I want to push my limits on creating things and talking to creators or just other people that are passionate about "things". Or, maybe just talk to people that have interesting jobs, or paths in life. Take more portraits, get out and see between the norm and every day and find the unique and intriguing.

This is my big goal, my "real" resolution this year! Be more creative, be less afraid to take photos and risks with my creativity... explore more with video and podcasts, and talk with new and interesting people. To grow as a photographer, and as a creator of media? content creator? entertainer? a Creative?...I like creative! we will stick with that ha!

Here's to exploring and finding new ways to create... I don't know what that means yet... but, hopefully, it will be fun, trying, and worthwhile with some hard work. I look forward to sharing here what I/we create!

Cheers and Happy New Year!!


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