Who we are…and why it matters…

who are we... and why does it matter...

First off it doesn't matter...

That being said, we are girldads that found out we had similar yet disparate attitudes and thoughts on the hobbies and world around us. Found in the pits of despair that are most audiophile forums. As one collapsed a few of us made it out alive and made our way to different islands in the sun. Mfadio and I also just so happened to live relatively close to each other, and bonded over our likes of good hole-in-the-wall food, disdain, and learning we have toddler girls of the same age. There is more to this story... but that can be left for another day!

Back to the task at hand... wait, what was I talking about... oh, yeah... who are we... do I go deep and try and define the soul of it... or just that our id was strong and felt like our thoughts mattered enough to put them on paper/audio/video... shocker, I don't think our thoughts matter, but this will be fun all the same. I don't think I can define who Mfadio is, that is a task best left to him.

But, I can discuss who I am. I am an early retired government worker, who spent the majority of his young adult life in the military, making poor decisions and thinking I was a lot smarter than I was/am ha… I like to think it made me a wiser person… but probably not. Followed by gov work, early retirement, a dip into big tech/philanthropy, and now stay-at-home dad to a wonderfully chaotic-make-me-pull-my-hair-out daughter (good thing I don't have much hair on my head) who I love dearly and will protect fiercely. I have many likes and dislikes as do most. I love finding new things and learning constantly. I rarely master anything, but, I do become generally efficient in most things I dive into. Open minded while fighting my closed-mindedness. A couple of things that have stuck around through my years that I find solace, peace, accomplishment, etc... Reading, Music, video games, pop culture, photography, food, and art, to name a few... so expect those topics to come to the forefront in the future.

A hobby tourist if you will… not quite a renaissance man, more chicken with its head cut off wanting to see and do all the things and never finding the time for any ha!

what are we trying to accomplish...

I don't know, it will be hard to define, especially since I have horrible ADHD and do nothing to combat it these days ha!

I have lots of time, while Mfadio is generally self-abso...err very busy... but even with my time and Mfadios busy schedule. we will try and endeavor to create some fun podcasts and maybe, just maybe bring some value, entertainment, and a place where people will enjoy visiting and finding out what is new in the worlds of Unsupervisedads... stay tuned!


New Year’s Resolutions…MEH!

