
The joys of Photography

I found myself, camera in hand. Just, waiting for a moment, searching for one, impatiently seeking one out. Then slowly letting go, and letting the moments come as they are. Then hoping my settings are correct...I depress the shutter actuation and wait to see if, the moment was captured, in a way that met my feelings on the matter.

Over my brief time with photography, I've started to take it, exponentially more seriously. I am a self-taught photographer, and I have found that by focusing on "my" art, or how I interpret and edit the photos, the more I enjoy it. That being said, learning and researching the proper settings for how you are shooting, and getting a foundation for the rules of photography is key. Especially before you start breaking them, or editing your photos into more artistic pieces.

This hobby/career/thing you can do is such a fascinating and deep rabbit hole to go down. Recently, I acquired a Leica Q2, and it has changed me... I now carry it everywhere. It is easy to pull out and snap a quick photo without being obnoxiously large or attention-getting like my main camera rig. It has limitations, such as a set lens, not the fastest, nor the best auto-focus (I tend to manually focus a lot with it). But, all these limitations, have brought about a learning pace that has me creating/capturing more of my daily observations into photos to share. I take more time, I attempt to draw out more from each capture. Looking "harder" at each moment for something unique and beautiful... or even mundanely beautiful.

Opening my eyes to the world, paying attention to the minutiae and the mundane, while looking for the beauty in it all. Then, attempting to capture it in a way that captures my awe.

At the end of the day, for me... it is all about the joy and wonder of capturing a moment that mesmerizes or captivates your attention beyond what you would expect. Sometimes it's the big epic moments, other times... it is the mundane or, simple moments and things that bring about moments of awe... all are worth capturing and remembering


Who we are…and why it matters…